Apparently not every moment in preschool can be as joyous as that pictured above. The group's highlight of Centers today was definitely the block center. A couple hours later, as I was helping the boys get their shoes on for Outside Time, the brawl erupted.
Yes, it was bound to happen, the first upset child, the arms thrown. They have been soo good their first week and a half, so I just didn't expect it at the end of our third session...let alone while we were putting on shoes. And that was my downfall: a teacher should always be prepared for anything!
I hope you get a good laugh out of it as I describe the mayhem!
A couple of the boys had already got their shoes on, Ray was in the bathroom next to the entry, washing his hands, I was helping Mason with his tricky sandals. I could tell the boys that were ready really wanted to go outside, though I didn't dare let them out without a teacher. If they could hold on a few more seconds...I asked them to stand by the door if they were ready, (trying to give them something to process and do as I was finishing the first sandal).
And here is the rundown: (keep in mind that everything happens within a 8'x8' entry/mudroom and I am carrying Garrett in my babyhawk in front of me) Brigham tried to open the door, Carsten told him to wait and stood in front of the door. Carsten starts crying. I turn and ask Carsten what is wrong. He tells me that Brigham hit him. I try to explain to Brigham that "we do not hit" and asked him to apologise to Carsten. When he did not want to apologise, I suggest he give Carsten a hug. Still no response. So I thought best to hurry and finish putting on Mason's sandals so they could all get outside.
At this point, Ray had joined us from the bathroom, and wondered what had happened. He got his shoes on and I suggested the boys stand by the window instead if they were ready. Brigham was still more interested in the front door and as he approached it, Jack stood in front of him and yelled, "don't hit my friend." I'm not sure who hit who next. (I'm next to them, but I am down fastening the remaining sandal of Mason.) Nevertheless, there were arms flying, between both Brigham & Jack. I pulled away Jack, as he was struck by a whopper of a karate kick.
In a panic, I demanded that Heather get off her cell phone and help me! (Sorry lady, hopefully I'll be better prepared next time). After everyone had calmed down, Mason looked at me and so concerned asked, "what happened?" "I'm not totally sure Mason," was all I could say.
So there you have it: The first brawl of the school year. Bound to happen you say? Well, I hope to be better prepared next time! My next point of action is to come up with a plan with all of the teachers in regards to discipline: to make our preschool expectations, rules, and consequences clear and concise.
After talking with Heather, I realize that our kiddos, wonderful as they are, have been taught differently. Not that any of the discipline techniques or protocol are wrong, but that if we are to have a happy, successful preschool, we need to have one set of expectations, rules and consequences. I was so focused on getting our preschool organized and going, that I forgot one of the most vital parts of preschool. So I apologise to everyone and ask parents and teachers for suggestions. It doesn't matter what we choose, but it needs to be chosen, clear, concise, and implemented as soon as possible. Any suggestions?
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