birthday: April 6th
favorite foods: toast, smoothies, deli turkey, cookies, "bumpers" cereal, "hotdog & eggs" (sausage), meatballs, peaches, grapes, apples, raisins, peas, ice cream, treats at grandma's
least favorite foods: this varies, he'll try just about anything...just may not eat it, he definitely doesn't like oatmeal, though he loves oats, but mostly food with a new texture bother him for a bit
food allergies: he used to be lactose intolerant, but is doing much better
favorite pastimes: playdates with his best friend Jake, biking with his sister Anneclaire, riding the tractor with Uncle Scott, building tracks & playing with his trains, painting & drawing, going to grandmas, playing with his cousins, reading books, ASL & "Signing Time", building snowmen with Daddy, playing with his nursery friends at church, helping Mama cook, doing chores with Mom & Dad: dishes, sweeping & moping the floor, taking a bath or showering with Anneclaire, jumping off the couches, building trains with blankets & pillows
favorite songs: "Wheels on the Bus," "Captain Brown," "Twinkle Twinkle," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Old Mac Donald", "Do you know the colors of our rainbow?," "ABC song"
favorite movies: "Brother Bear 2," "Cars," "Incredibles," "Peter Pan"
Misc: Carsten loves his sister Anneclaire & in return she adores him. He has a great excitement for life, loves to run around the house with friends & his sister, is rarely without a burst of energy, loves to meet new friends, has a strong will and knows what he wants :), is especially gentle with babies, loves to give hugs and is usually willing to saying "sorry" when he has hurt someone. He loves to be a helper and is very excited to be a "Big Boy." He is excited to grow up and be big "like daddy."
His Mom's hopes for pre-school: improvement of his current interaction skills: sharing, listening, following directions, being aware of others, etc., to enjoy learning in a small group setting, making new friends & strengthening current friendships, progress with his emergent reading & mathmatic skills, & begin to develop a love of learning :).
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