Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day

It was a great first day! The boys were all so wonderful and I think it's safe to say that we all enjoyed ourselves. I'm uploading the pics right now so that Heather can give you a write up of our first session.

Moms: make sure to subscribe on the blog sidebar (to your right) so that you get all the updates in your email box.

Each Thursday there will be show-n-tell in Circle Time. This Thursday will be special for we will be introducing ourselves (kiddos and teachers). Have your child bring something that represents them or something they enjoy. (teachers do the same :))

As for curriculum, we will be focusing on a Theme based curriculum (the theme for the first two weeks is All About Me) where we teach a new theme every two weeks. Within those two weeks we will do activities related to the theme that will encourage learning in the academic areas (math, science, reading, art, music, etc.). Heather will be helping us assess the boys according to the kindergarten requirements. Today she did activities that worked with colors, sorting, following directions, listening, and I'm sure you will read all about it in her /review.

We will be focusing on recognition, writing, and the sounds of our ABC's (one per week, starting next week), numbers 1-10, and each boy's development of writing and recognizing his name. (they all recognized their names today, could tell us the first letter in their name, and find the first letter in their name on the Calendar). In Circle Time we'll learn about the calendar, days of the week, patterns, sequence, and numbers. We'll also be studying about weather and seasons, learning songs, doing movement exercises, and will practice following directions. I want to help each boy from where they are now, stretch, and move up to the next level. With two teachers each session, there will be plenty of time for one-on-one :).

Annelisa says the calendar is coming...so stay tuned.

Check out Riley and Carsten's meet the students from last winter: http://kidsexploring.blogspot.com/2008/01/getting-to-know-your-child.html

Email something similar to me for each of your boys. Let us know a bit about your fabulous little guy, things he likes, food allergies, likes and dislikes, where he is socially, academically, and some personal goals you would like us to focus on the next few months. I'd like to have a review in January. See how they are doing and make new goals again for the rest of the year.

Suggestions of any kind are welcome and would be appreciated! Looking forward to a wonderful adventure with these fabulous boys! (Seriously, they were soo good today!). See you Thursday! miss katrina

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