Tuesday, September 9, 2008

All About Me - Sept 9

Unfortunately, Miss Katrina's camera batteries died after Centers, so you'll have to rely on Heather's great description to tell you all the kiddos did today.

Ray's Dot painting
Let's paint together
Mason likes blocks
Great building & sharing

Mason painting
After a bit of social block building, Brigham was ready to get down to business, doing his block project away from the group.
After Miss Katrina took his picture, he asked to see it and wanted her to take one more! :)
Mason loves to play in the centers

Mason wanted Miss Katrina to take a picture of his creation too!

Ray and Jack were so cute singing the clean-up song happily as they helped.
We had a great day and the kids are really learning how to help clean up, and help each other.

Today for activity we worked on our all about me books, we colored a picture of our favorite color, most of the boys love GREEN. we also learned about how much things weigh, and got to weigh ourselves and see how tall we are too.

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