We began the morning in Centers. At first the kids were in the Cooking center. Riley was busy making some noodles, Carsten some rice, and Anneclaire taking out the food in the basket. Carsten asked Riely if he wanted to add some baking powder to his pot. Riley thought that was a good idea. Carsten passed out spoons to everyone so that they could cook properly. He was getting a bit too vigorous with his cooking, and Riley decided that he'd rather work in the Block center. Once he was settled and working away, Carsten was ready to paint in the art center.
Riley was very industrious building "tunnels."
Carsten was interested in mixing the colors and then wanted to draw "sharks, and Nemo, and Dori fish."
Riley began building a grid pattern.

Anneclaire enjoyed the blocks and cooking pieces.
Soon all three kiddos were busy in the alphabet center, exploring the magnet letters.

At first, Riley focused on standing up the letters, and then started to name the ones he recognized.
Carsten organized his letters according to color.
Riley is usually our super star when it comes to clean-up time, but Carsten really suprised me today. I told him he could put the letters away in their pocket by using his stool.

Train time was especially fun today. Riley and Carsten built most of the track themselves, and Anneclaire joined in the play on the tracks for the first time. Carsten even commented that "baby no break!" She was too busy riding her train along the track to take the pieces apart. Hooray :).
After a while, the trains moved to the carpet together. Carsten wanted Riley's train to follow the tracks Carsten was making.

For today's project, we made Pizza. Here is the recipe I found in "Let's Cook a Treat" by Helen Drew and Angela Wilkes: Pizza Dough recipepreheat oven to 425 combine in mixer:1 1/4 cups flour (i used a combination of spelt and quinoa flour)pinch of salt3 tbs butteradd 1/2 cup grated cheese,3-4 tbs milk (i used half milk, half olive oil)mix until you have a ball of dough. I doubled the recipe and added a bit more salt, milk, and oil, till we had a proper dough.The recipe makes about 3 personal sized pizzas. Cook for 10-15 minutes (depending on how thick you roll the dough).
One of the fun things about making pizza was that the kids could taste test each of the possible toppings as i cut, washed, and got them ready. The boys especially like the olives. Putting them on the tips of their fingers, Riley announced, "poped out!"
We had a lot of fun making the pizza, preparing the toppings, and mixing the dough. The boys love it when i ask them silly questions. They were very good to listen as I explained why I had to cut the mushrooms, olives and red peppers. We went over the whole pizza making process. They seemed to understand :).
The boys helped put the sauce on their dough, chose their toppings, and placed the toppings and cheese on their individual pizzas. It was a lot of fun seeing them taste the vegetables and tell me if they like them. Both were open to trying everything.
During singing time we sang from a library book, "Children's Songbook," by UsBorne books. It has many favorites, "If you're happy and you know it," "My Bonnie lies over the ocean," "Here we go 'round the Mulberry bush," to name a few, and many others that I have never heard of. There is also simple written music that i think we'll try on the piano next week :).So much to do, so little time, hope the nice weather continues!
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