Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dentist Day

The boys enjoyed doing a few new centers today in addition to the kitchen and grocery store center. One was a "doctor" center where Ray checked Carsten's blood pressure and the kids got to explore medical tools.

Next we read some books about what to expect when going to the dentist and what kind of foods keep teeth healthy. We gave the kids carrots and pears to start off snack time and let them look at their teeth in a mirror to see that healthy food doesn't stick to their teeth. Then everyone got to eat an oreo and look at their teeth again. They were pretty quick to try and clean up with water and Mason even asked for another carrot (he was pretty embarrassed by his black teeth).

Next we ventured to the dentist office (Sprink Creek Dental with Dr. McNaughtan). The boys were instantly captivated by the "space" table in the waiting room. Promises of the magic chair got them into the back where they did a great job of sitting in the chair, opening their mouths wide, and even taking a turn with the cleaning instruments.

They all did such a great job and got treat bags afterwards. A special thanks to Mrs. Carol and Mrs. Tamara for helping us with this fun field trip!!

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