Another good day learning about food...Today we focused on food groups and added a new center of sorting and classifying foods along with the letter schoolhouse, sorting cards, and tower building.

For story time we read books about food including Stone Soup, and I Know and Old Lady. We also talked about x-rays for the letter X and the kids got to see a real X-ray picture of teeth.
For snack the kids got a food from each food group: carrots, cheese, raisin bread, and walnuts.

For music and movement we tried out different types of exercises. We also looked at pictures of the human heart and showed the kids where there hearts were. We tried to listen to our hearts before and after doing exercises. The boys loved running around in a circle.

For our activity, we drew food guide pyramids and had the boys cut pictures from grocery store ads to fill in each category. Finally, we couldn't resist going on a nice long walk outside to soak up the beautiful weather. Pretty soon we'll be playing in the sandbox again.